About a month ago we got the call asking us to come film for the Agudath Israel Siyum HaShas in MetLife Stadium - where 90,000 Jews gather to celebrate the worldwide completion of the 7.5-year cycle of learning the Talmud at a pace of one page per day. The new 7.5-year Daf Yomi cycle starts TONIGHT. We made a short promo video to encourage people to get started tonight with the new cycle of learning Gemara. Please share this with anyone that you think is planning or would like to be learning the daf a day.
If you still happen to be searching for the right Talmud edition to learn from, here is the film that we made for probably one of the best Talmud editions out there:
I think the Koren Noe Talmud Bavli is for the seasoned learners who want to find new depth and meaning in their learning through the historical and contextual footnotes in this edition, as well as for beginners who can pick up this book and for the first time in history, learn on their own without a teacher or chavrusa on hand to explain what is going on.
We are so privileged to live in this time when the Talmud is now accessible to everyone. Veyafutzu ma'ayanotecha chutza!